Saturday, August 6, 2011

To remove the virus infection of the security system

To remove the virus infection of the security system

Security System

Security system is a type of malware rogue security or Smitfraud. And 'distributed through malicious websites, but also comes bundled with fake video codecs. Given the ubiquity of video content on the Internet these days, many PC users to install all types of codecs needed to play movies or clips.

Unlike many other examples of viruses malware rogue security system is a well-made pesticides. It caused havoc on infected computers.
Here is a list of symptoms.

Task 1Mananger, the message, disable the registry editor. For many PC owners, which are the instruments in the first place. This malware disables particular, many forms of Windows.
2 currently installed anti-virus programs can not detect the infection and be taken up by the virus. If it happens, anti-virus software is useless, can not be started.
3 Desktop background is replaced by scary warnings.
4 Windows Security Center will begin to display false warnings, urging theUsers to download a cure.
5 The security of the system comes with an antivirus program to falsify the results presented show the infection.
6 Almost all applications can not be opened, that the warnings ", the infected file is xyz." No installation of software security is possible because the same reason.
Here is a brief list of steps to remove the virus system security in case of emergency (if you do not have a technology person on call).

1 \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data: Open My Computer, go to CData \ and look for a folder with the name number (eg 11480154). Inside, it should be only two files, one of them with the name of the file number with the name of the folder. Delete both files and folders.
2 Restart Windows.
3 Go to Start, Run, type MSCONFIG and click OK to start the Microsoft Configuration Utility. Go to the Startup tab and look for the entry with the numeric names. Uncheck the box next.
4 If you see C: \ Program Files with"Security system" in the way, remove the checks from the boxes as well.
5 Working with the right mouse button. System Restore. Check the box that says "Turn off System Restore". Windows warn you about deleted restore points. Click OK and restart.
6 Now turn on System Restore in Windows (by removing the checkmark from the box in # 5).

Finally, run a scan with antivirus or antispyware software (should work now) to ensure the safety of the system to remove the entries.

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